Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fill in the Gaps on the path to your perfect Wardrobe

Ladies, picking up where we left off..

... OK, you've returned your best items you to your wardrobe.. there will be gaps now, so pull out a pencil and paper and lets make a list..

1) Every item in your wardrobe, needs to have suitable partner/s to create an outfit.
Pull each item out, one by one, and partner it up, with something else in the wardrobe, if there is nothing to partner with this item, add the ideal partner garment to your list.
(For example - Pencil skirt, Skinny belt and Wool tights to go with Ruffle blouse)

2) Do this for all your hanging items, and then all your folded items.
In doing so, you are creating a list of essentials you need to make your wardrobe completely full proof for outfitting purposes, and your shopping will be smarter.

3) When the list is complete HIT THE SHOPS -
My reccomendation is to visit stores, you know suit you.
You will make educated decisions on your purchases now, because you have a guide and you know exactly what you are looking for. Focus, and don't be tempted to stray from your list.

3) When thinking about the partner garment/s to buy, keep this check list in mind:

Purchasing Check:
  • Is the partner garment I am about purchase the best fit for my individual shape?
  • " " " Does it Flatter me beautifully?
  • " " " The best colour for my complexion?
  • " " " Work in with the rest of my wardrobe?
  • " " " Align with the look I aspire to achieve?

You have to tick every box to add this garment to your wardrobe, if not, keep looking. Even if it takes time, you have to appreciate you won't be waisting your money on purchasing secondary garments. Have more respect for yourself. You deserve the very best when putting your look forward.

There are so so many different boutiques, clothing retailers and Department stores, your perfect fit is out there, I don't believe you, if you say it isn't. Keep looking.

4) When the list has been completed and the wardrobe is tidily in place.. we are going to make a look book for you..

Tune in tomorrow, to find out how to save time in dressing to perfection every time.

Your stylist


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